Kurz 155 Mass Flow Computer/Transmitter

The Series 155 “Smart” Mass Flow Computers are state-of-the-art, microprocessor-based, versatile system transmitters that work in conjunction with a number of our element instrumentation.

The various models operate one or more Kurz Mass Flow Elements including Series 452, 502, 522-UHP, K-BAR 16, K-BAR 24, K-BAR 2000, the Series IK-4200 Isokinetic Sampling Probes and the Series 730 Mass Flow Control Valves.

The Series 155 may also be used with the new MFT Series of Mass Flow Transmitters (454FT, 504FT, 534FT, K-BAR 2000) as a convenient power supply, display and Mass Flow Computer for remote sensor electronics applications.

The Series 155 integrates the functions of flow and temperature measurement, flow totalization, alarms, data acquisition, input/output calibration and closed loop flow control. Models are available to operate up to 22 separate two-wire, loop-powered Kurz mass flow or temperature elements. The smaller Model 155’s have two analog 4-20 mA outputs; the larger models support up to eight 4-20 mA outputs. All Models include a convenient 2 line, 16 character LCD display and 20 button keypad to display the measurements, input all calibration and set-up data, and perform input/output calibration of each input and each analog output.

Features & Benefits

• Easy-to-use menu for display and set-up with Help screens
• Two-line 16 character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
• 20 button keypad (built-in terminal)
• 24 hour clock/calendar, Y2k compliant
• Up to 22 sensor inputs; mass flow rate, temperature and 4-20 mA reference inputs
• Ability to group one or more inputs as a METER and to define a METER as the sum/difference of other METERS, up to a maximum of 16 METERS
• Up to eight 0-5 VDC or 4-20 mA outputs
• Mass flow computer redundancy using two Model 155’s for unsurpassed reliability
• Up to eight 5-amp alarm relays
• English or Metric units
• Multi-Point calibration factor for each METER
• User-entered METER I.D. number
• Automatic sensor out-of-tolerance indication, alarm and re-averaging for multi-point flow elements
• Easy input/output calibration–no pots

PLUS many other features – please refer to the Product Brochure for full details

Kurz, Kurtz, Gas, Air, Thermal, Themal Mass, Flow


The Series 155 “Smart” Mass Flow Computers are state-of-the-art, microprocessor-based, versatile system transmitters that work in conjunction with a number of our element instrumentation.

The various models operate one or more Kurz Mass Flow Elements including Series 452, 502, 522-UHP, K-BAR 16, K-BAR 24, K-BAR 2000, the Series IK-4200 Isokinetic Sampling Probes and the Series 730 Mass Flow Control Valves.

The Series 155 may also be used with the new MFT Series of Mass Flow Transmitters (454FT, 504FT, 534FT, K-BAR 2000) as a convenient power supply, display and Mass Flow Computer for remote sensor electronics applications.

The Series 155 integrates the functions of flow and temperature measurement, flow totalization, alarms, data acquisition, input/output calibration and closed loop flow control. Models are available to operate up to 22 separate two-wire, loop-powered Kurz mass flow or temperature elements. The smaller Model 155’s have two analog 4-20 mA outputs; the larger models support up to eight 4-20 mA outputs. All Models include a convenient 2 line, 16 character LCD display and 20 button keypad to display the measurements, input all calibration and set-up data, and perform input/output calibration of each input and each analog output.


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